I said don't read this.

I’ve been struggling lately with balance and priorities.

I feel like balance doesn’t mean what I thought it did. I thought balance meant that I needed a strict schedule. 5 days of work, 1 day for cleaning, 1 day for everything else… 3 nights for family, 3 nights for streaming, 1 night for friends… and my brain is just mush… balance for me needs to be flexible. Just whatever I need in that moment, which is apparently not scheduling things as much.

I enjoy so many things. It’s ridiculous trying to fit all my hobbies into my life. I need to be a bit more true to myself and go with the flow on this thing. Like, don’t get me wrong, I loooooove video games, just feeling like I need to diversify my content to whatever I’m feeling in that moment. Which, tonight is going to be sitting in nature. I’m hoping I have a signal. I’m gonna test out streaming on my phone for a bit. We will see how that goes.

So here’s to being true to yourselves loves ❤️ see yall tonight. Test run babyyyyyy


ANOTHER 7D2D update: *cries in beta*